Our  products offer innovative digital solutions to managing:

  • Employee Certifications & Qualifications of all types

  • Federal Railroad Hours of Service Recordkeeping

  • Track Authorities for Trains and Workers


InfoRail is among the most versatile certification program management systems on the market.  Create and track any all certifications your employees carry.  Store and Access education, knowledge testing, operational testing, medical fitness, and much more data with a few clicks. Set expiration dates, test quotas and recurring education requirements with ease.  


Easily create, track and manage certification programs.  Designed for Engineer and Conductor Certifications,  InforRail  makes storing and managing records easy.  With InfoRail, Drug & Alcohol test, Medical, Knowledge and practical examinations as well as field tests in compliance the CFR part 217 are all centralized in one location and ready for your input and review.


With increasing training requirements such as CFR part 243 and broadening reach to all employees,  organization and recordkeeping are crucial to ensuring trouble-free relationships with regulators and public image.  InfoRail is built for flexibility. Track initial and refresher training, OJT and proficiency tests with InfoRail.


From you mobile device, desktop, laptop, or tablet, log in and track Hours of Service.  Send notices to induvial employees or groups. Track payroll, pay claims, and  numerous other operations metrics utilizing Web HOS's robust report creators.

Use our Cloud-based Systems  Anywhere

Railroaders are constantly on the move.  Access to hours of service documents and track authorities are crucial to the day-to-day operations of short line railroads, employees need it no matter where they are. Our cloud-based systems make it easy to get your work done, regardless of your location.

Timekeeping & Messaging 

  • With features such as payroll interfaces and Scheduled reports, WebHOS simplifies  everyone's workload.
  • Direct or group messaging with priority levels and read receipts ensures employees receive crucial updates 


Tested and approved by the FRA, Our proprietary software can streamline the process of issuing track authorities at significantly reduced cost compared to contract dispatching services. From Roadway workers to Train Crews, employees can establish and release track limits from an internet-connected device, without phone calls to expensive out-of-state dispatchers or driving to an office to sign on or off a register.

Improve Safety

  • A study by Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) found that TrackAccess reduces the risks associated with current track warrant control (TWC) systems by up to 93.75%, whether those systems operate independently or with computer backup.

  • Bulletin system eliminates midnight deadlines for DOB requests from MOW employees.

  • Fully FRA compliant, with or without a controller (dispatcher).

Reduce Costs

  • TrackAccess operates at less than half the cost of most contract dispatching services while also eliminating the need for additional staffing expenses.

  • Includes FRA 228-compliant electronic hours of service reporting at no additional expense.

  • Eliminates wait time for authorities, bulletins or Form B type protection.

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